City of chicago enterprise zone application

A proposed enterprise zone must qualify in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of the Act. The application must demonstrate and the designating ordinance must find that the proposed zone area:

  1. is a contiguous area, provided that a zone area may exclude wholly surrounded territory within its boundaries, 20 ILCS 655/4(1)(a);
  2. comprises a minimum of one-half square mile and not more than twelve (12) square miles, or fifteen (15) square miles if the zone is located within the jurisdiction of four (4) or more counties or municipalities, in total area, exclusive of lakes and waterways; however, in such cases where the enterprise zone is a joint effort of three (3) or more units of government, or two (2) or more units of government if situated in a township which is divided by a municipality of 1,000,000 or more inhabitants, and where the certification has been in effect at least one (1) year, the total area will comprise a minimum of one-half square mile and not more than thirteen (13) square miles in total area exclusive of lakes and waterways, 20 ILCS 655/4(1)(b); and
  3. meets at least three (3) of the qualifying criteria outlined in the Qualifying Criteria set forth in Section 4(1)(f) of the Act and Appendix A to this application.

NOTE: Applications are evaluated on a competitive basis against other applicants based upon all eleven (11) qualifying criteria. Satisfying a minimum qualification of three (3) criteria will result in a recommendation of the application to the Enterprise Zone Board; however, in order to maximize the applications score, answer as many of the eleven (11) qualifying criteria as possible.

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