How to write performance goals: 100 sample phrases

Well-written performance goals help energize employees and point them in the right direction. They help managers conduct more effective performance reviews. Here are 100 phrases to adapt from 2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals by Paul Falcone and additional performance goal phrases that may help you provide more useful feedback to struggling team members.

performance review phrases notebook paper

Encourage initiative

Many employees need more initiative to take on new tasks or complete assignments without the need for micromanaging. To encourage initiative: “Seek ways to assume responsibilities beyond your current job description.”

Using these performance review phrases in their evaluation may spur improvement:

Require punctuality

Every team has at least one member who is frequently late or flaky. To require punctuality: “Be on time for all meetings, which shows you respect your colleagues’ time.”

Also, try these performance review phrases during an evaluation with an employee who struggles with punctuality:

Foster a better attitude

Some employees need help with having an appropriate attitude at work. To foster a better attitude: “Ensure that your tone, body language, and other nonverbal cues convey the proper respect and attitude toward others.”

These additional performance goal phrases might help:

Improve communication

To improve communication: “Anticipate what your manager will need to know and provide that information.” For managers: “Keep team members informed of each other’s actions.”

Here are some performance review phrases to use if communication is a weakness for the employee:

Spur creativity

Some employees need to be more creative and work on coming up with innovative ideas. To spur creativity, “Build relationships among peers that foster collaboration and discussion of new ideas.”

Try using these phrases in employee feedback when creativity is lacking:

Boost customer service

Employees who need a customer service mindset can be beneficial. To boost customer service: “When we lose a customer, follow up to discover what we could have done differently.”

You can also try incorporating these performance goal phrases during the next review:

Diversity in the workplace is more important than ever. To nurture diversity: “Appreciate the unique perspective, skills, and experience that each person brings to the team.”

This feedback might help encourage change:

Improve planning

Learning to create and follow a plan can improve planning. To improve planning, “Begin projects by identifying all the required resources, including staff, funding, materials, and other support.”

These performance goal phrases may help poor planners improve:

Promote better listening

Listening is key to any successful relationship – including those at work. To promote better listening: “Show by asking open-ended questions that you are engaged in conversations.”

You can also use these phrases in employee feedback:

Foster leadership

Leadership qualities are needed at all organizational levels. To foster leadership, “Discover the problems that prevent team members from performing at the highest possible levels.”

Use these performance review phrases to give feedback:

Editor’s Note: Helping your employees write strong performance goals is extremely helpful when it comes time for performance reviews . The goals will help guide the appraisal and give you specific employee responsibilities and metrics to evaluate during the performance meeting.

If you need more assistance with the appraisal process, we’ve created a packet of checklists and forms to help you make the most of your reviews. Performance Review Documents will give you the tools to focus on every aspect of the performance review , from preparing and conducting the appraisal to following up after it’s completed.

With these FREE documents, you’ll improve the consistency and reduce the subjectivity of your performance reviews to help you build and maintain a successful organization. Get the FREE documents now.


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