Fiscal Year 2022 Antideficiency Act Reports Compilation

Agencies that violate the Antideficiency Act must report the violation to the President and Congress and transmit a copy of the report to the Comptroller General at the same time. 31 U.S.C. §§ 1351, 1517(b). The report must contain all relevant facts and a statement of actions taken.

Since fiscal year 2005, GAO, in its role as repository for the Antideficiency Act reports that agencies submit, has produced and publicly released an annual compilation of summaries of the reports. We base the summaries on unaudited information we extract from the agency reports. Each summary includes a brief description of the violation, as reported by the agency, and of remedial actions agencies report that they have taken. We also include copies of the agencies' transmittal letters. We post the summaries and the agency transmittal letters on our public website. In some cases, the agencies also send us additional materials with their transmittal letters. We make these additional materials available to Members and their staffs upon request.