Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloon Experiment

Combine a fizzing baking soda and vinegar reaction with balloon play with this easy-to-set-up balloon science experiment for kids. Find out how to blow up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar. Grab a few simple ingredients from the kitchen, and you have fantastic chemistry for kids.


Don’t have vinegar for this experiment? Try a citric acid like lemon juice, and check out our citric acid and baking soda experiment here.


balloon science experiment supplies including baking soda and vinegar


Step 1. Blow up the balloon a bit to stretch it out some, and use the funnel and teaspoon to add baking soda to the balloon. We started with two teaspoons and added a teaspoon for each balloon.

Step 2. Fill the container with vinegar halfway.

Step 3. When your balloons are all made up, attach them to the containers making sure you have a good seal!

Step 4. Next, lift up the balloon to dump the baking soda into the container of vinegar. Watch your balloon blow up!

To get the most gas out of it, we swirled around the container to get it all going!

using funnel to fill balloon with baking soda for science activity

Optional Art: Go ahead and use a sharpie to draw emojis, shapes, or fun pictures on your balloons before filling them with baking soda.

balloon baking soda science and chemistry for kids


My son suggested we try different amounts of baking soda in our experiment to see what would happen. Also, will the balloon size grow bigger if more vinegar is in the bottle?

Always encourage your kids to ask questions and wonder what will happen if…

This is also a great way to encourage inquiry, observation, and critical thinking skills. You can read more about teaching the scientific method to kids here.

Make predictions! Ask questions! Share observations!

Balloon baking soda science with happy face drawn on pink balloon

Be cautious with the amount of baking soda you add, as the reaction will get bigger each time. Safety goggles are always great for young scientists!

You could see the difference in the baking soda we put in the balloons! The red balloon with the least baking soda inflated the least. The blue balloon with the most inflated the most.

What else can you do with baking soda? Check out these unique baking soda experiments!


The science behind this baking soda and vinegar balloon science experiment is a chemical reaction between an acid and base. The base is the baking soda and the acid is vinegar. When the two ingredients mix, the balloon baking soda experiment gets its lift!

That lift is gas, carbon dioxide, or CO2. As the gas tries to leave the plastic container, it goes up into the balloon because of the tight seal you have created. Check out states of matter experiments!

The gas has nowhere to go and is pushing against the balloon it blows it up. Similar to how we exhale carbon dioxide when we blow up balloons ourselves.

We love exploring simple chemistry you can do at home or in the classroom. Science that isn’t too crazy but is still lots of fun for kids! You can check out more cool chemistry experiments .

Read more about the science behind baking soda and vinegar experiments.


The scientific method is a process or method of research. A problem is identified, information about the problem is gathered, a hypothesis or question is formulated from the information, and the hypothesis is tested with an experiment to prove or disprove its validity. Sounds heavy…

What in the world does that mean. The scientific method should be used as a guide to help lead the process. It’s not set in stone.

You don’t need to try and solve the world’s biggest science questions! The scientific method is all about studying and learning things right around you.

As kids develop practices that involve creating, gathering data evaluating, analyzing, and communicating, they can apply these critical thinking skills to any situation.

Learn more about the scientific method and how to use it.

Even though the scientific method feels like it is just for big kids…

This method can be used with kids of all ages! Have a casual conversation with younger kiddos or do a more formal notebook entry with older kiddos!

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Have leftover balloons? Why not try one of these fun and easy balloon science experiments below!

explore forces with an easy to set up balloon rocket<a href=balloon powered car you can make from simple supplies" width="500" height="500" />

Helpful Science Resources To Get You Started

Here are a few resources that will help you introduce science more effectively to your kiddos or students and feel confident yourself when presenting materials. You’ll find helpful free printables throughout.

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