Steroid Possession Lawsuit

Steroids can be separated into two classes: anabolic and androgenic. Anabolic steroids are the steroids most commonly sold illegally, mainly affecting metabolism, immunity, and muscle. In contrast, androgenic steroids have powerful masculinization impacts on females, and sometimes, feminization impacts on men.

Most steroids are permitted with a prescription, as there are many medicinal uses for steroids. Nevertheless, there is a big black market for steroids as performance-enhancing drugs, with athletes and bodybuilders making up a considerable number of users. There are both federal and state criminal penalties for the illicit use or sale of steroids.

  1. If I Use or Sell Steroids, What Federal Penalties Will I Face?
  2. If I Use or Sell Steroids, What State Penalties Will I Face?
  3. What Are the Other Possible Charges?
  4. What Are the Different Types of Illegal Anabolic Steroids?
  5. What to Do If You Think You’re Under Investigation
  6. What Are the Penalties for Steroids Possession and Distribution?
  7. What Happens if You’re Caught Selling Steroids Online?
  8. What to Look for in a Criminal Attorney?
  9. About the Steroids Possession and Distribution Crime
  10. Should I Consult an Attorney if I Have Been Accused or Arrested for the Sale or Possession of Steroids?

If I Use or Sell Steroids, What Federal Penalties Will I Face?

The Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 defines steroids as a Schedule III drug. It assesses federal penalties for both the illegal possession and sale of steroids. The following are the federal punishments for both possession and sale of steroids: